

BCN 中環

地址: 中環蘇豪卑利街37號地下




Perhaps it was my attempt to master Spanish as a teenager. Perhaps it was the young and fearless days that we spent in Barcelona. Perhaps it was the memorable vibes that I soaked up in the tapas bars across Andalusia. I adore Spain; and I adore Spanish food.~BCN shares its name with the "Barcelona El Prat Airport"; also a common abbreviation for BARCELONA. BCN has been under my radar for quite some time; not a simple task to secure reservation (a date to fit in my food buddies' packed schedule and in such a popular kitchen with very limited seatings) it was a good few weeks between booking and our actual meal. A few days before the night, I got whatsapp messages for confirmation of our dinner and details of the menus on offer. Two to choose from; both super inviting. "Trip to Spain" at $595 or "Winter Chef Menu" at $720. We opted for the "Trip to Spain" one.There are two dining slots for BCN be the first guests and start at around 6:30pm7pm, you get to stay till 9pm. They start welcoming the second batch from around 9pm, and we booked for this latter slot (you see, I never know how hectic work can be until the day...). At the end, on the day, it was rather peaceful at workand so I rang up requesting to be informed if seats became available earlier (I would be happyhouring around Soho anyways and certainly up for an earlier dinner). At the end, we were seated by 8:15pm perfect timing! A sleek and warm little space with up to 12 high stools surrounding an open kitchen; but with 3 staff serving (excluding chefs), attentive and courteous service guaranteed.Manchego Cheese. Iberico Ham. Chorizo. ToastStarted off with a platter of manchego cheese semi curado i.e. semi hard (creamy and buttery, coated all over my tongue), Iberico ham and chorizo (both with a delightful balance of fat and intense flavours); all flown directly from Spain, with small bits of toasts blessed with olive oil lined up on the side. Something comfortingly simple, and something admittedly not testing of chef's skills; but as you indulge in the thin elegant sheets, each with packed flavours, you know you are promised with a night of quality and tasteful food.3 Small pintxos setTo get us started... From right to left: Cod fish coquet the amber crust was done perfectly crispy and contrasted well with the smooth potato and fish mash within. Foie gras and iberico ham on a toast not the normal pan fried caramelised foie gras here, a blader take but the iberico ham gave the mouthful an awesome kick. Boiled octopus prinkled with paprika and served on a bed of boiled potato; very authentic. Nice.Classic "Gazpacho"Now this. was. lovely.Gazpacho is a tomatobased soup, served cold, originating in the southern Spanish region of Andalucía. I was not a fan of cold soup. But this was lovely (yes I have to repeat it again). Very flavourful, each spoonful reminded of freshly picked tomatoes, wellbalanced natural sweetness with a hint of zestiness; extremely refreshing (perfect for the humid Hong Kong weather); exceedingly appetising. Loved the twist of the watermelon skewer. Perfection. I love open kitchens.To admire the dedication of the chefs.To learn a trick or two.Here, Chef Edgar was preparing our next dish "Rossekat de fideos con alioli"!!Look at how he was carefully blotting the garlic sauce on the cool black plates! Fried Short Noddles ... I confess I was skeptical; I did not really look forward to this course.The photo of this dish I saw on openrice reminded me of the tacky Chinese takeaway noodles I had back when I was still at boarding school in England.. but man, I was so wrong. Just before I had my first taste, Chef Edgar explained that he made this dish in the traditional paella way, except that rice was substituted by noodles . The noodle was very very welldone, each little strip was cooked in seafood soup and completely soaked up the complex seafood flavours. The olive oil, garlic sauce and fresh tomato brought further dimensions to the dish.Enjoyed it to bits; very nice!Suckling Pig "slow cooked with vapor" (this I quote from the menu) I was told by the Chef that it was steamed for over 8 hours before being fried to crisp up the skin. End result? What a heavenly dish. The pork belly had the most tender and juicy meat, the skin was crackingly crispy. Smooth, creamy sweet potato mash (loved that it is SWEET potato mash) and served with beef sauce.hmmm I would love another piece. Ohh and i find the little leaves really very cute. ;) Chocolate Truffles with orange skinWe were offered up chocolate truffles topped with tiny bit of orange skin to end. By then, I was super satisfied and full; but I always have room for desserts and would have loved something else something more substantial.Delicious truffles though!As I drank up my glass of Rioja, for a second, I thought I was in BCN. Maybe it is time to plan another Spanish trip.


電話訂位 沒有電話號提供
餐單 Menu西班牙菜,西餐廳,
人氣指數 615




BCN 評價 相片

Perhaps it was my attempt to master Spanish as a teenager. Perhaps it was the young and fearless days that we spent in Barcelona. Perhaps it was the memorable vibes that I soaked up in the tapas bars across Andalusia. I adore Spain; and I adore Spanish food.~BCN shares its name with the "Barcelona El Prat Airport"; also a common abbreviation for BARCELONA. BCN has been under my radar for quite some time; not a simple task to secure reservation (a date to fit in my food buddies' packed schedule and in such a popular kitchen with very limited seatings) it was a good few weeks between booking and our actual meal. A few days before the night, I got whatsapp messages for confirmation of our dinner and details of the menus on offer. Two to choose from; both super inviting. "Trip to Spain" at $595 or "Winter Chef Menu" at $720. We opted for the "Trip to Spain" one.There are two dining slots for BCN be the first guests and start at around 6:30pm7pm, you get to stay till 9pm. They start welcoming the second batch from around 9pm, and we booked for this latter slot (you see, I never know how hectic work can be until the day...). At the end, on the day, it was rather peaceful at workand so I rang up requesting to be informed if seats became available earlier (I would be happyhouring around Soho anyways and certainly up for an earlier dinner). At the end, we were seated by 8:15pm perfect timing! A sleek and warm little space with up to 12 high stools surrounding an open kitchen; but with 3 staff serving (excluding chefs), attentive and courteous service guaranteed.Manchego Cheese. Iberico Ham. Chorizo. ToastStarted off with a platter of manchego cheese semi curado i.e. semi hard (creamy and buttery, coated all over my tongue), Iberico ham and chorizo (both with a delightful balance of fat and intense flavours); all flown directly from Spain, with small bits of toasts blessed with olive oil lined up on the side. Something comfortingly simple, and something admittedly not testing of chef's skills; but as you indulge in the thin elegant sheets, each with packed flavours, you know you are promised with a night of quality and tasteful food.3 Small pintxos setTo get us started... From right to left: Cod fish coquet the amber crust was done perfectly crispy and contrasted well with the smooth potato and fish mash within. Foie gras and iberico ham on a toast not the normal pan fried caramelised foie gras here, a blader take but the iberico ham gave the mouthful an awesome kick. Boiled octopus prinkled with paprika and served on a bed of boiled potato; very authentic. Nice.Classic "Gazpacho"Now this. was. lovely.Gazpacho is a tomatobased soup, served cold, originating in the southern Spanish region of Andalucía. I was not a fan of cold soup. But this was lovely (yes I have to repeat it again). Very flavourful, each spoonful reminded of freshly picked tomatoes, wellbalanced natural sweetness with a hint of zestiness; extremely refreshing (perfect for the humid Hong Kong weather); exceedingly appetising. Loved the twist of the watermelon skewer. Perfection. I love open kitchens.To admire the dedication of the chefs.To learn a trick or two.Here, Chef Edgar was preparing our next dish "Rossekat de fideos con alioli"!!Look at how he was carefully blotting the garlic sauce on the cool black plates! Fried Short Noddles ... I confess I was skeptical; I did not really look forward to this course.The photo of this dish I saw on openrice reminded me of the tacky Chinese takeaway noodles I had back when I was still at boarding school in England.. but man, I was so wrong. Just before I had my first taste, Chef Edgar explained that he made this dish in the traditional paella way, except that rice was substituted by noodles . The noodle was very very welldone, each little strip was cooked in seafood soup and completely soaked up the complex seafood flavours. The olive oil, garlic sauce and fresh tomato brought further dimensions to the dish.Enjoyed it to bits; very nice!Suckling Pig "slow cooked with vapor" (this I quote from the menu) I was told by the Chef that it was steamed for over 8 hours before being fried to crisp up the skin. End result? What a heavenly dish. The pork belly had the most tender and juicy meat, the skin was crackingly crispy. Smooth, creamy sweet potato mash (loved that it is SWEET potato mash) and served with beef sauce.hmmm I would love another piece. Ohh and i find the little leaves really very cute. ;) Chocolate Truffles with orange skinWe were offered up chocolate truffles topped with tiny bit of orange skin to end. By then, I was super satisfied and full; but I always have room for desserts and would have loved something else something more substantial.Delicious truffles though!As I drank up my glass of Rioja, for a second, I thought I was in BCN. Maybe it is time to plan another Spanish trip.

sep 06, 13.............2人嚟dinner.........叫咗 :1) mineral water (hk$48)叫咗杯水2) les crestes 2010 x 2 (@hk$98)叫來2杯house red wine.........by glass選擇不多..........by bottle就有好多讚擇3) summer chef menu 2.0 x 2 (@hk$798)每晚都只喺得2個dinner menu..........而且每個party都要預先order..........兼align埋同1個set...........即喺唔可以1個要menu a..........另1個要menu b最後同友人1致揀來chef menui) iberico platteriberico ham, mahon cheese and chorizoiberico ham after taste不強,而chorizo味道濃郁,不錯的芝士應喺cow milk cheese,so味很輕伴以幾塊toastii) tuna tartar watermelon, peanut butter and crisp吞拿魚tartar很創新混有西瓜粒,很清甜再+入少少花生醬同少少脆脆,味道帶少少複雜如果炎夏食呢個頭盤會很消暑........可惜我嗰個禮拜連續下雨........氣溫都很清涼.........無咁有feeliii) black truffle and iberico ham croquette睇個樣已知道個croquette很油........亦貼實個餡..........可能個皮過份地薄咗,而餡料亦濕度高望番之前去灣仔嘅the princixxx brunch d相..........所做出嚟嘅chicken croquette.........真喺差10碼子嘅事........人哋個皮炸得小挺身,漲大......皮同餡清晰分開技巧佢喺差d.........不過味道喺ok的..........松露味溫和,沒過搶/濃iv) broken egg with diced red prawnegg yolk and topped with fresh sea urchin呢個execution喺比較簡單........生蛋黃內有點蝦肉.......同海膽友人其實喺1年前嚟過.........佢記得broken egg喺呢度嘅signature.........而且以前底下好似有類似panna cotta嘅物體 v) crispy manchego cheese個炸芝士表面因有杏仁碎片,所以都幾香口 不過裡面嘅芝士比較chewy,裡面唔覺得熱出嚟味道效果麻麻哋vi) chilean sea basswith spicy pepper sauce, baby cabbage and raddishsea bass份量極小巧.........油份很重..........魚肉結實且彈伴以citrus味啫喱同d配料presentation各自各咁...........並不優雅 vii) honeydrew gazpacho因為個凍湯喺蜜瓜煮成,所以甜味比較重,少"杰"身........很有甜品feel配料大致都喺蔬菜粒同麵包粒viii) ox tail with red wine reduction, califlower and carrot puree牛脷成片正方形..........喺因為牛脷嘅肉已拆碎.........之後再press成正方形牛味溫和伴以紅酒,紅蘿蔔同椰菜花puree整體味道正路但無驚喜ix) black paella with calamari and alioli sauce個西班牙飯粒粒分明,有點挺身只配以幾個魷魚圈同3點alioli sauce味道正路,同樣無嘜突出x) yogurt cheese cake, crispy orange roll, stuff with hazelnut mousse, with chocolate cookies on top好快就嚟到甜品環節個cheesecake size好的骰,反而最多喺由棒子唧成花嘅mousse棒子mousse很香nuts味同滑個脆片,有點玉桂味,薄脆.........但從文字睇應該喺筒形全晚咁多個courses,甜品反而出色過d鹹食

BCN 是一間只有十二座位的tapas bar。


I absolutely adore Spanish tapas, and Spanish meals often remind me of my enjoyable visits to Spain with lovely weather, friendly people and (lots of) Sangria. Inconspicuously located on Peel Street, BCN is a tapas bar that only seats 12 people. With the chef preparing your dishes right in front of you, BCN feels more like a private kitchen than a restaurant.Admittedly, my first impression of the restaurant was not great. The restaurant is not open for lunch, and due to its popularity, there are two seatings for dinner – one from 79pm, and the other from 9.15pm onwards. There are two menus to choose from: “Trip to Spain“, at $580, and “Chef’s Menu“, at $680. As the set dinners at BCN are not cheap, I was somewhat dismayed by the short time allowed at dinner. I went at 9.15pm and our seats were not available until 9.30pm; on the other hand, my friends who booked the 79pm slot said that they felt quite rushed to have to finish 6 courses by 9pm.The chef at BCN is Edgar Sanuy Barahon, who has worked at Michelin starred restaurants, Restaurante El Rincón de Diego and Restaurante “El Torreó de l’ Indià, in Spain before coming to Asia. Edgar is known to be amiable and friendly, but he wasn’t there on the day I went to BCN.We chose “Trip to Spain”, as the portions at BCN are huge and we thought there would be too much food if we ordered “Chef’s Menu”. Having said that, “Chef’s Menu” looks very attractive, and the BCN paella rice with red prawn, in particular, sounds enticing.(1) We started off with the Cheese, Spanish ham from Iberico pork with 100% natural feeding and Chorizo set. The ham was pristine, and was packed with flavours and perfectly fatflecked. The cheese had a beautiful and fine taste.(2) Second on our menu was a 3 Small Pintxos Set. Each pintxo was small, delicate and delicious. On the left was an octopus, bathed in olive oil, which was fresh and chewy; in the middle was a hot fried croquette, which was alluringly crunchy and light; on the right was a small piece of foie gras on toast, which was silky and tasty. Perhaps what made the food at BCN so delicious was the fact that it was all freshly prepared right before it was served.(3) The Classic cool soup “Gazpacho” from Andalucia, with tomato, watermelon and basil followed. After some tangy pintxos, this soup, which was cold and refreshing, was just what was needed. It was natural and fresh, with a strong tomato flavour. The peeled tomato and watermelon went very well with the soup, and added crisp textures to it.(4) The Fried short noodles, cooked in seafood soup, with fresh tomato and oil&garlic sauce was a job well done and was one of my two favourite dishes of the night. Each noodle was completely soaked with flavours from the seafood soup, and the noodles were soft and smooth without being mushy. The fresh tomato gave a slightly citrus note which was complementary to the dish, and the of oil&garlic sauce provided extra richness.(5) My other favourite dish was the Suckling pig slow cooked with vapour, with sweet potato cream and spanish meat sauce. It was almost half past ten when we had it, but it was worth the wait. While the the skin was wonderfully crispy and crackerlike, the meat, having been slow cooked for 10 hours, was fantastically tender and supple and was meltinthemouth soft. Some sweet potato cream was thinly spread on the plate, and it was mild and indulgent – just the right thing to enhance the flavours of the pork.(6) Our last course was a Chocolate truffle with orange skin. The chocolate had an alluring, deep chocolate taste and had a smooth and creamy filling; the orange peel gave a fresh, bright note to the chocolate. However, despite already being very full, I could not help feeling a bit disappointed that we didn’t get a proper “dessert”.There were certain aspects of the meal that I was not completely happy with: firstly, the price was expensive for Spanish tapas; secondly, despite the amount they charged, dinner was divided into two seatings; and thirdly, the restaurant was very narrow and our stools were not the most comfortable. However, the food at BCN was mouthwateringly good and the dishes were all freshly prepared and meticulously executed. I guess I will just have to get over some of BCN's shortcomings, as I will be coming back here for more tapas!

Booked a surprise dinner for hubby for his big day a month ago, the restaurant is called 田舍家 Inakaya; most famous for its Robatayaki.I read a few reviews from Openrice and note that it is going to be quite an experience.But, no no no, when I personally reconfirmed the dinner reservation (yes, I called them instead of waiting for them to call me!) in the morning of my hubby's birthday, the hostess told me, I can either have a window seat with a view or I can have an authentic Robatayaki, but it has to be confirmed when I booked, and it is their policy that the one who took my call would have informed me this.Nar, not really, they didn't mention it at all when I called, as such, the start of the bday plan for my hubby was ruined.Finally I decide to try my luck and find alternative.Luckily, someone has cancelled their reservation at BCN.I heard about it for a while and never manage to go, lately in HK there is a Spanish cuisine hype, but we have been a few of them and not too impressed. I called and been told that there are only 2 types of menus and I have to decide when I book, the lady sent me via whatsapp the 2 options and I have chosen the Autumn chef's menu which costs HKD695 each.Hence all set and the surprise continues. Anyways, we walked down a small slope on Peel Street and find this lovely little place, probably less than 12 covers.All seatings are along the bar area.The service was really good, the gentleman who served us used to work in a hotel, very well trained.Edgar the chef was really friendly as well, tried his best to suggest the Spanish wine for us.All the food are amazing, you will know why when you see those photos.

My first experience of having Tapas was in Barcelona in my college years. It was such a wonderful trip back then and I remembered the vibe and liveliness in a Tapas place where everyone happily enjoyed small dishes of mouthwatering snack dishes. I have been waiting for this dining day for long, left work early and walked up Peel Street, excited for the dinner! There were only 12 seats at the restaurant, and we were all sitting at the bar table, that overlooked the whole preparation and cooking process. We picked the 'Winter Chef Menu' that consisted of more courses than the 'Trip to Spain menu'. The first appetizer already looked very appealing Mediterranean Flowerpot. The 'Soil' was made of pine nuts, there were also diced tomatoes, basil foam and black olives beneath the soil. A very special combination of all the ingredients, and it was definitely a nice twist on the presentation!While I was relishing the last bit of the taste of the previous course, our Iberico Platter arrived! Loved the Iberico Ham as always, and the milky light orange foam was a surprise, it was actually made from tomatoes which their skin and seeds were all removed. It was very smooth and appealing that served as a perfect complement for the toast.Surprises came one after another. The last appetizer dish was the night was "Escabeche" mussels on Pumpkin and Herbs Cream. The pumpkins and mussels were both cooked with white wine, which was actually a traditional way of how the Spaniards preserved seafood 100 200 years ago. Mussels were fresh and it was the first time I realized pumpkins and mussels did go well together! The beetroot bubbles were also awesome!The Three Hot Tapas followed after our appetizer dishes were cleared. There was this Black Trumpet Croquette, Broken Egg With Spanish Red Prawn and Spring Onion Foam, and Octopus "Gallega". This was rather ordinary when compared to the creative appetizers. The Broken Egg was quite nice, though I thought the prawn would have come in one piece. The octopus slices were quite fresh.I was looking around what other people have ordered and suddenly realized the chef was pouring a couple Gazpacho! I probably looked too curious that the chef was so nice to offer us each a cup of it! OMG and I fell in love with it! I was not a fan of the different peppers, but this Gazpacho was just right! Thumbs up!Our main was Sea Bream Tartar, Boletus Edulis Cream, Egg and Foie Gras. Sea Bream was prepared with green chilli pepper from the Northern part of Spain, it was a little light in taste when compared to the other rich plates, but matched quite well with the mushroom cream. Egg and Foie Gras was a nice combination too, think I would prefer egg white with foie gras rather than along with the egg yolk, which made the dish a little heavy to my liking.The last main was a traditional Christmas dish in Spain Traditional "Canalon de Saint Esteve". With Iberico Pork, Idiazabal Smoked Cheese and Beef Sauce. The cheese satisfied my taste buds with a pleasant aroma. A special dish it is, and Iberico Pork could not be any bad!Moving to the climax of the night, desserts were always my favorite! Sangria 2.0 was totally a very refreshing dessert! It serves Sangria in a way that all ingredients were redefined. Things can be tasted separately or all in one go. Loved how it was cold and refreshing that prepared me to leave room for the last dessert BCN Truffle. Yay it was made with orange zest!Greater dinner, great chef and great hospitality. I love visiting private kitchens that you can really observe every tiny detail, and receive attention from servers and the chef. You get to know what you are eating and how they are prepared instead of swallowing them all up. This is probably by far the best tapas place I have been to in Hong Kong. I look forward to come back again and explore more of BCN.







為減低冠狀病毒病在德興記粉麵內有任何傳播的風險,德興記粉麵在餐廳內會盡力保持高水平的清潔及衞生標準。餐廳德興記粉麵除了遵守預防及控制疾病的相關規例,德興記粉麵同時建議採取以下措施*德興記粉麵 黃, 德興記粉麵 藍, (德興記粉麵 黃藍 等意思黃店或藍店簡稱

常見問題 FAQ:


  • 食物業經營者應加強對食物業處所包括廚房、食物房、洗滌間、廁所(包括水龍頭與廁所把手)和食肆座位間的清潔,定時及在有需要時應用1:99(即把1份漂白水與99 份水混和)的稀釋家用漂白水消毒,以經常保持清潔和適當維護。
  • 在處理被呼吸道分泌物、嘔吐物或排泄物污染的地方,應使用 1:49(即把 1 份漂白水與 49 份水混和)的稀釋家用漂白水。
  • 經常清潔消毒食物接觸面及設備,例如餐具。
  • 經常清潔消毒員工或顧客的頻密接觸點,例如門柄、桌面、餐盤。
  • 確保用作送遞食物的工具不可用於收集餐桌上已使用的餐具及食物殘渣,可考慮以不同顏色或標示來識別工具的不同用途。所有工具都要保持清潔和定時消毒。


  • 採用「食物安全五要點」,以正確處理食物:
    1. 精明選擇:選擇安全的原材料
    2. 保持清潔:保持雙手及用具清潔
    3. 生熟分開:分開生熟食物
    4. 煮熟食物:徹底煮熟食物
    5. 安全溫度:把食物存放於安全溫度
    6. 有需要時,提供公筷公羹。
  • 避免公開展示沒有包裝的即食食物(例如烘焙食品)。
  • 如使用即棄手套處理即食食物,要注意手套不能代替清洗雙手,並要正確使用。手套如有損壞、弄污或食物處理人員因暫停工作而把手套除下,便應把手套丟掉;要經常更換手套,更換時和除手套後都要清洗雙手。


  1. 工作人員須謹記:定期檢查體溫
  2. 工作期間,戴上口罩
  3. 咳嗽或打噴嚏時,要用紙巾掩蓋口鼻,並立即將已弄髒的紙巾丟入垃圾桶。然後,以梘液和清水清潔雙手
  4. 保持良好的個人衞生習慣(例如在處理食物前後、進行清潔之後、處理廚餘或垃圾後以及上廁所後要洗手)
  5. 如患有或懷疑受到傳染病感染或出現病徵,例如感冒、腹瀉、嘔吐、黃疸病、發燒、咽喉痛和腹痛,應停止處理食物。如出現呼吸道感染病徵時,應戴上外科口罩及盡早求醫
  6. 洗手時應以梘液和清水清潔雙手,搓手最少 20 秒,用水過清並用抹手紙弄乾。雙手洗乾淨後,不要再直接觸摸水龍頭
  7. (例如先用抹手紙包裹著水龍頭,才把水龍頭關上)


  1. 為採取以下措施保持員工之間、員工與顧客之間以及顧 客之間的社交距離:
  2. 為顧客提供外賣選擇
  3. 避免搭枱或改動座位安排以減少直接面對面接觸
  4. 在食肆張貼告示或作廣播、或於地面加上標記、提醒顧客在排隊或等候期間保持距離
  5. 在服務櫃枱加設屏障,減少顧客與員工直接面對面接觸
  6. 鼓勵顧客使用非觸式的付款方法(例如:信用卡、手機應用程式等)
  7. 安排員工分批工作、休息及用膳















網站平台feehk跟BCN openrice裡的差異是什麼?
