
澄壽司 跑馬地

地址: 跑馬地昌明街1-3號地下






電話訂位 28035558
餐單 Menu日本菜,壽司,刺身,
人氣指數 554


澄壽司位於跑馬地區,詳細地址是跑馬地昌明街1-3號地下,餐廳寬敞座位數目共有28個。澄壽司幾錢?價錢優惠後人均消費大約$401-800埋單,早餐午餐晚餐澄壽司餐單包括有日本菜,壽司/刺身等美食,付款方式有Visa,Master,現金,AE付款,Booking網上訂位可以電話致電 28035558 查詢訂座。


澄壽司 評價 相片


Whenever having omakase for dinner is a lastminute whim for us, I would need to try very hard to secure two spots because the Covid restriction on halving restaurant guests just makes seats at wellknown sushiya so undersupplied. This evening was a Monday, and we thought we could pull it off, but we couldn’t, and I recalled a lesser known place that I’ve stumbled across and shortlisted a while back. Sushi Sumi in Happy Valley. Because who would make a deliberate trip and risk a disappointing meal at a location that is not a highend sushi restaurant cluster? The risk was especially high given that the place was, indeed, available on last minute notice. But the fact that Sushi Sumi has been around for over a decade and has not hired anyone to flood its page with fake reviews made it seem like a manageable risk to take.It turns out that the place caters to a loyal following of older clientele, especially those in the neighborhood. Most diners know the place by wordofmouth. The vibe also seems to appeal to the more established class of locals born before the 80s, rather than whimsical post90s “foodies”. Our sushi chef is also a local, and appears to speak very limited Japanese.That did not seem to be a limiting factor, however, in terms of the novelty or the quality of the food he presented us. Although freshness of the fish was not the top of its class on the day of our visit, we actually tried quite a few interesting pieces of fish and flavors. Some were memorable. We got good value for what we paid.More than that, the place executes cooked food very well and has an extensive list of hot food available all day. Hospitality was also a bonus, with the chef being highly accommodating and the hosting team very attentive in a nonintrusive way. The restaurant is clean, spacious and wellventilated.To be sure, there are enough sushiya we have been to that perhaps offer more authentic, delicate and fresh pieces of sushi and sashimi, but all in all, taking into account its ease of booking, the slight discount to usual omakase meals, the privacy of its location and the good service, I am happy and am likely to return.I had the “Jun” set which was $900 with appetizer, three kinds of sashimi, one cooked dish, six sushi pieces (requested to be served as sashimi), soup and dessert. My partner had the “Shiba” set which was $1,180 with appetizer, fourteen kinds of sushi, soup, and dessert. There are two more omakase sets that are pricier, but the difference in pricing is due to increasing number of pieces of sushi, rather than increasing quality. Food RundownSome simple slices of okra with ponzu and wakame as well as clams with miso to start off the meal for both of us. Nothing overly intricate here.My three kinds of sashimi began with some light tasting sea bream 真鯛 with rose and chrysanthemum. March to June is madai season. The dip is a mild refreshing vinaigrette. Because many consider the flesh of madai to be rather bland, it is less often seen as a star in contrast to fattier fish with more complex flavors. But if you focus your mind on it as you taste it, you may be able to appreciate its sweetness. I thought this could be sliced a bit thinner for a better mouthfeel.Next up was a lightly seared large scallop 炙りホタテ with ponzu jelly and rose. This turned out to be one of the best dishes tonight. The meaty scallop was ohsosweet and its butteriness was brought out completely by a quick sear.Seared saba 関さば with grated ginger was a similar delight. This sekisaba comes from Kyushu’s Oita (大分県), which is known for its special standards on fishing and killing saba that make them extra delicious. The dish was, again, well executed. The sekisaba was a bit aged and flavors were strong without being unpleasantly fishy, the texture was firm and its umami brought out by sweet soy sauce and a tincture of bitterness from the greens and the flowers.Next up for me was grilled sea bream. This was grilled on teppan with its scales still on the skin. The scales are oiled and grilled at such a temperature and speed that it becomes super crunchy and edible. Clean fish scales are actually very nutritious, and they was certainly tastier than chips. It was my first time having fish scales prepared this way. It’s certainly going to be messy replicating this technique at home.I still have six sashimi pieces (meant to be sushi) coming. They were monkfish liver あん肝, ark shell 赤貝, oyster かき, red snapper 金目鯛, sea urchin ウニ, cod 銀ダラ and wagyu 和牛. (Now I realize I was given one extra!)Monkfish liver was an excellent fifth dish to have after the delicate, the buttery, the umami and the crispy bites. It was prepared in its standard way (with ponzu and momiji oroshi) and tasted just as fresh and nutty as anywhere else.Ark shell does not need to be aged and they are sourced daily at Sushi Sumi. It was in pristine condition and was particularly notable for its freshness, as it tends to taste a little bit off with just the slightest negligence in preparation, even at the best sushiya. I thoroughly enjoyed my two bites here.Oyster came from Hyogo and was poached in hot water for 15 seconds so it was slightly cooked. The topping that comes with it is beetroot. Unfortunately this was quite pungent and fishy.Red snapper was better. With the skin partseared the entire room smells good. There is a good balance of buttery and delicate with a lot of sweetness and umami.Sea urchin from Kyushu was another disappointment. It could have been fresher.Seared cod sashimi was so good. Literally a flavor bomb.The final piece was Omi wagyu. This was excellent. Superb texture and flavor. (I unrolled it for the photo.)That was it for my Jun set. The Shiba set had a few more kinds of fish, but I will not elaborate here as I did not eat them. From what I heard they were all reasonably tasty with no major slips. Photos below for the curious.Dessert was fresh melon and matcha red bean panna cotta. Both were top.The chef gave us a special second dessert: a fruit cherry tomato, so full of sweetness and a piquant brightness in the mouth that it holds up even after the two sweet desserts that preceded it.A perfect end.





Portions of sushi has significantly shrunk since the pandemic while service has always been mediocre.


今日中午12點定了四位,分開兩張二人枱,因為泊車緣故,家人三位先到,但服務大嬸竟然不准我家人入座?! 餐廳才剛開門,亦從來沒有像人氣店長龍排隊,只有幾枱有客,我們又不是座壽司吧,為什麼這樣招呼熟客呢?本來我已叫家人不用等我先落單,大家合作早啲交枱,小店人情味去了哪裏?到我們近一點離開時餐廳一直只有半滿,大嬸及師傅卻若無其事,一點歉意都欠奉!今次並非慶師傅主理,未知是否有投訴的關係, 壽司飯糰變得迷你平庸,疫情下可以支持的食店多得很,沒有可惜,只覺莫名其妙,消費無須受氣吧!










為減低冠狀病毒病在ENOTECA內有任何傳播的風險,ENOTECA在餐廳內會盡力保持高水平的清潔及衞生標準。餐廳ENOTECA除了遵守預防及控制疾病的相關規例,ENOTECA同時建議採取以下措施*ENOTECA 黃, ENOTECA 藍, (ENOTECA 黃藍 等意思黃店或藍店簡稱

常見問題 FAQ:


  • 食物業經營者應加強對食物業處所包括廚房、食物房、洗滌間、廁所(包括水龍頭與廁所把手)和食肆座位間的清潔,定時及在有需要時應用1:99(即把1份漂白水與99 份水混和)的稀釋家用漂白水消毒,以經常保持清潔和適當維護。
  • 在處理被呼吸道分泌物、嘔吐物或排泄物污染的地方,應使用 1:49(即把 1 份漂白水與 49 份水混和)的稀釋家用漂白水。
  • 經常清潔消毒食物接觸面及設備,例如餐具。
  • 經常清潔消毒員工或顧客的頻密接觸點,例如門柄、桌面、餐盤。
  • 確保用作送遞食物的工具不可用於收集餐桌上已使用的餐具及食物殘渣,可考慮以不同顏色或標示來識別工具的不同用途。所有工具都要保持清潔和定時消毒。


  • 採用「食物安全五要點」,以正確處理食物:
    1. 精明選擇:選擇安全的原材料
    2. 保持清潔:保持雙手及用具清潔
    3. 生熟分開:分開生熟食物
    4. 煮熟食物:徹底煮熟食物
    5. 安全溫度:把食物存放於安全溫度
    6. 有需要時,提供公筷公羹。
  • 避免公開展示沒有包裝的即食食物(例如烘焙食品)。
  • 如使用即棄手套處理即食食物,要注意手套不能代替清洗雙手,並要正確使用。手套如有損壞、弄污或食物處理人員因暫停工作而把手套除下,便應把手套丟掉;要經常更換手套,更換時和除手套後都要清洗雙手。


  1. 工作人員須謹記:定期檢查體溫
  2. 工作期間,戴上口罩
  3. 咳嗽或打噴嚏時,要用紙巾掩蓋口鼻,並立即將已弄髒的紙巾丟入垃圾桶。然後,以梘液和清水清潔雙手
  4. 保持良好的個人衞生習慣(例如在處理食物前後、進行清潔之後、處理廚餘或垃圾後以及上廁所後要洗手)
  5. 如患有或懷疑受到傳染病感染或出現病徵,例如感冒、腹瀉、嘔吐、黃疸病、發燒、咽喉痛和腹痛,應停止處理食物。如出現呼吸道感染病徵時,應戴上外科口罩及盡早求醫
  6. 洗手時應以梘液和清水清潔雙手,搓手最少 20 秒,用水過清並用抹手紙弄乾。雙手洗乾淨後,不要再直接觸摸水龍頭
  7. (例如先用抹手紙包裹著水龍頭,才把水龍頭關上)


  1. 為採取以下措施保持員工之間、員工與顧客之間以及顧 客之間的社交距離:
  2. 為顧客提供外賣選擇
  3. 避免搭枱或改動座位安排以減少直接面對面接觸
  4. 在食肆張貼告示或作廣播、或於地面加上標記、提醒顧客在排隊或等候期間保持距離
  5. 在服務櫃枱加設屏障,減少顧客與員工直接面對面接觸
  6. 鼓勵顧客使用非觸式的付款方法(例如:信用卡、手機應用程式等)
  7. 安排員工分批工作、休息及用膳















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